Woke Frens
Woke Frens Woke Frens
Woke Frens

i S W o k e F r e n s :

"Woke Frens" is a satirical con-
cept that humorously critiques and parodies the excesses and extremism of woke culture.

It serves as a platform for using memes and humor to highlight the absurdity of certain aspects of the woke movement.

Woke Frens
Woke Frens

W o k e F r e n s :

The purpose of "Woke Frens" is to push back against the perceived overreach of woke culture, which is seen as stifling free speech and promoting a form of ideological conformity.

It's a form of comedic protest that supports free speech and aligns with Elon Musk's stance against the "Woke Mind Virus" and companies pushing a woke agenda.

It aims to use humor to draw attention to the issues and provide a

Woke Frens
Woke Frens
Woke Frens
Woke Frens
Woke Frens
Woke Frens

Q 4 2 0 2 3

  • Woke Mind virus Infection
  • promo
  • Token Launch
  • marketing

Q 1 2 0 2 4

  • Marketing Campaign
  • Token airdrop
  • NFT creation
Woke Frens
Woke Frens
Woke Frens